Risk Management
Risk management is a critical part of the OUM Chiropractor Program mission to support the business and practice needs of our doctors. The risk management department strives to identify risk issues that can seriously affect patient care and cause financial loss to our policyholders and to provide policyholders with risk management education and other resources to allow them to recognize potential risks and implement strategies to reduce those risks.
To achieve this goal, the following risk management services are offered to OUM policyholders:
- Risk Management Educational Programs for Premium Discount Credit - Policyholders may obtain a discount on their policy premium renewal for one year by participating in an OUM Home Study Course. OUM offers a risk management home study course each year that can be taken online. Doctors may also obtain continuing education credit by taking this course, if available in their state.
- Risk Management Resources - OUM makes several risk management resources available to its policyholders. Resources include sample forms, risk assessment tools, answers to frequently asked risk management questions and articles on risk management topics. These resources are maintained in our digital library.
- Risk Management Articles - Risk management articles are included in each edition of OUM's publication, Alignments. Copies of OUM publications are maintained online in our digital library.
- Telephonic Risk Management Consultation - Policyholders may contact the Risk Management Department at (800) 423-1504 ext. 2052 with risk management-related questions.
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