News and Events

  • As you are recovering from the effects of Hurricane Florence, we are thinking of you and your well-being. We are here to help! - September 17, 2018

    OUM-insured chiropractors can contact us if your office has been affected by the recent storms to let us know how we can best work with you regarding your medical professional liability insurance. Contact OUM Risk Management at (800) 423-1504, ext. 2052 with questions regarding missing or damaged medical records, software, etc. You may also e-mail your questions to We are here to help!

    For OUM-insured chiropractors providing chiropractic care or contemplating aiding flood victims, please be assured that your medical professional liability insurance is in effect; you are covered to perform chiropractic procedures throughout the state, including volunteer efforts.

    If you have specific financial questions regarding your OUM policy, please contact us right away at (800) 423-1504.


    OUM recommends the following if your patients' records were destroyed or damaged:  

    If you utilize paper records, you can't replace the destroyed paper records. However, you can create a new record.

    • Make a note in the patient's new file regarding what happened and the date the original records were destroyed or lost.
    • Start the patient over as a "new patient" at the next visit (at no added cost to the patient or third-party payor).
    • Have the patient complete all forms that you would have a new patient complete such as the patient history form, consent to treat, current medication list, etc.
    • Perform and document an initial history and physical exam and any other tests or other initial workup that is needed.
    • If there are copies of prior lab work, X-rays, operative reports and other healthcare records that can be obtained from other healthcare providers, you can obtain copies and place in the new record. Be sure to identify each copy as a copy.


    If you utilize an electronic medical record system, the system should have disaster prevention and recovery features to protect the data in the event of fire, natural disaster, vandalism or system failure. If your system has adequate backup and emergency capability, you should be able to recover your records.

  • » Hurricane Emergency Information - August 25, 2017

  • » Illinois Flood Emergency Information - May 6, 2017